the sneaker trio

The three of us; Tabog, Pepit and myself while watching the shoot of Maruja at Bustos, Bulacan in the late 60s, pledge: We need to see the movie once released in theater. 

A hitch loomed over. The Henson Theater, which would show the Maruja movie, hired Teryo Taramindo, a menacing brute whose biceps resembled that of a tamarind fruit. For sneakers like us, Teryo is a total terror. He could smash us to smithereens once he caught us sneak. 

The lure of Maruja defied our fear. We followed the novel in “komiks”. We wanted to see how truthful its movie version. The movie starred Romeo Vasquez and Susan Roces. We are their fans.  

Friday, the movie got showed at Henson. Saturday night, we sneaked in using Tabog’s scheme. The modus afforded us a free movie.

Pepit deposited Five Pesos to the ticket lady on the pretext of looking for someone inside. Tickets cost 80 cents a piece. 

Once inside, Pepit would lift the latch to the exit door at Ponce Street, where Tabog and I waited. Pepit would get his deposit, walk to the side street. It’s our turn now to lift the latch for him. 

The scheme worked for the previous guard. Not with Teryo. It’s his habit to make rounds inside the theatre. 

When we did our modus, a streak of lights poured in from the outside. 

“We’re toast!”

Teryo brought us to the rooftop room of the theater. He made us lined up. Teryo towered us of his menacing figure. 

“So, you’re the ‘lusut gang’ huh! Since when, you’re doing these?” Teryo thundered. I peed on my pants. 

“Months now, Sir,”. I said. 

Pepit pressed his feet hard against mine, muttered – stupid, why you should be honest. That doesn’t save us. 

“Sorry, Sir. Only now, Sir,”. Tabog said. 

“That’s true. Sir,”. Pepit said.

“Get your pants and underwear down,”. Teryo barked. 

… What! Would he like proof of my pee…?

I stood naked now. Pepit’s foot on top of my toe again. 

“Tang na ka,”. Pepit mumbled. Tabog and Pepit followed. 

“So, who’s the mastermind?”. Teryo asked. 

“It’s him,”. I fingered Tabog. He wanted to crush me. 

Teryo confronted Pepit, tapping his finger on his chest. “And you, what are you?”. 

“The Lieutenant, Sir…”. I said. 

“Tarantado.”. Pepit mumbled. 

Teryo turned to me, “And, who you?”.

“The fingerling, Sir.”. I said. 

“Stand still here, and don’t move till I come back,”. Teryo said, locking the room behind him.

Pepit and Tabog rattled me of their sharp tongues when Teryo left us. 

Teryo came back after 30 minutes. Paper bag in his hand. He took out a yellow cashew fruit, slapped it in my palm. 

I am about to eat when he said, “Stupid. Who told you to eat that..? You’re the fingerling. Ripe it in you ass,”. 

“But. Sir. It’s ripe already,”. 

“Rot it then,”. Teryo barked.

I cried while on top of the Cashew at the dirty floor, felt the germs nibbling my bare butt. 

Teryo took another item. Green Papaya, a good size for Tinola. He gave it to Pepit. 

“Rot this also in your ass, Lieutenant,”. Teryo said. I stopped crying. To ripe that Papaya would take longer, more if to rot it…

Pepit sat on his Papaya, his head down crying, while clasping it with his hand. 

Meanwhile, Tabog had this all-knowing smile at our fate. 

I heard Teryo called Julio.

I consoled Pepit. “Lucky you,”.  

“Why?” Pepit asked. 

“Look!”. I said. 

The one that Teryo called Julio appeared carrying on his shoulder a pig size JACKFRUIT!